by Kayla Benker
Posts Tagged ‘one percent productions’

The Faint – 12/29/09

the faint at the waiting room omaha, ne

the faint at the waiting room omaha, ne

Better four months late than never…29 photos HERE.

Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – 8/9/09

someone still loves you boris yeltsin andrew bird

Oh hey, I also got a new camera during the hiatus. Here is the first show I photographed with it…

33 photos of Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin at The Waiting Room on August 9, 2009, HERE. At this show I abandoned my hatred for flash photography (but only a little bit).

Basia Bulat – 2/24/08

basia bulatbasia bulatbasia bulat

Here are some pictures from the Basia Bulat concert from a couple weeks ago, February 24th,  at The Waiting Room. There are 29 pictures HERE.

Okkervil River at The Waiting Room – 9/15/07

okkervil riverokkervil riverokkervil river

Here’s the second batch of photos that have been waiting to be uploaded for weeks. These are from the Okkervil River show at The Waiting Room on September 15th. There were Damien Jurado pictures, but I am stupid and had to delete them to make room for LCD Soundsystem / Arcade Fire pictures (which will be posted tomorrow)…sorry.

Anyway, you can see the rest of the 59 pictures HERE.